North American Islamic Shelter for the Abused (www.asknisa.org) seeks a part-time (ten hours a week) Residence Coordinator to perform the following duties associated with the functioning of the NISA Shelter Home and Transitional Home (collectively “Homes”):
Client Support Responsibilities: Assist client relocation into Homes including pick-up and drop-off; acclimate client to assigned room; provide door codes; ensure bedding and room readiness; review facility rules; assign allotted space in cabinets, bathroom, fridge and shared areas; weekly monitoring of facility cleaning/up-keep by updating cleaning schedule; provide warnings to clients for violation of Home rules; conduct house meetings; facilitate conflict resolution amongst clients; conduct emergency drills; communicate in-kind donation needs to donors and coordinate pick up of in-kind donations.
Operations and Maintenance Responsibilities for both Homes: Change door codes upon client departure; monitor entrance cameras and alarm systems; inventory check of items returned by client on departure; conduct weekly grocery and supplies shopping; facilitating repairs, maintenance & general upkeep.
To apply please email your cover letter and resume to info@asknisa.org.