North American Islamic Shelter for the Abused

Ask for Help

Send us a message at anytime by emailing us at Please email if you have questions related to Domestic Violence. We promise to reply promptly. Or call our helpline!


From administrative work, to helping build our next shelter, the hours you donate will go a long way for those in need.


Every penny you give goes to helping those most vulnerable in society, particularly women and children who are abused.

Support Services; AWAZ: Voices Against Violence program (safety planning, case management, advocacy, legal assistance, counseling and emotional support, interpretation, parenting classes, community workshops raising DV awareness, prevention workshops); CHAI: Community Health Action Initiative (public benefits assistance, clinic referrals, social services assistance, language assistance); CRU: Civil Rights Unit (naturalization clinics, case management and legal referrals, civic engagement workshop, leadership development program); Emotional and mental health; referrals.